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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Whoah..... Isn't it nice!! Randomly took it on my way home. Oh yarhx,my blog became inactive too.Dun really hav much to write too.Erm.... Today was so sad.Kena scolded for no reason.Didn't really hav the mood after that.Also dunno wad happen to mi this few days.Kinda emo???(according to ben). Why this days so many people surrounding mi having problem wif relationship.Anyway Im also not good luh.Seriously why I hav to bee like that,tortured by all this kind of this things.Did I do something evil in my past life?? Or else why will I be like that.......

Kira died @ 10:32 PM

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Erm....I think I dun reallli hav things to write today lor,coz seriously today was juz like my normal routine.Yeah...nothing special,juz slack at home lor.Then when the time hit five,I changed into my work uniform n then juz proceed to work.Oh ya,when Im on my way to work,saw some children age ranging ard 12 to 13 fighting ard.Lolz lor.Do u noe wad actually they r fighting for?They r fighting for a piece of 50 cents that was found on the floor.I was thinking,r they so poor that they treat 50 cents as 50 dollars.Seriously,no wonder they r juz kids.Yeah then nothing much,finish working at 10.30pm then........ Wad will u expected,of coz Home Sweet Home!

Kira died @ 12:19 AM

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Oh gosh,my kite is burn.Tis was wad happen,I went to fly my kite as usual(anyway FYI,my kite is aRC Kite) but I was juz flying den I land my kite,my kite juz erupted into smoke n to flame.And it juz disintegrated in melted plastic.I was juz stunned there,but when I go n inspect the cause,it was cause by wire short-circuited.Wad else can I do,like tis lor.After that juz went home lor.Sadly......

Kira died @ 6:02 PM

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Yo, today i feel veri bad.Lost a friend,due to have sum misunderstanding.Thought that i would tolerate with him but yesterday i accidentally let out my anger and have sum sort of quarrel.Have not replying to his message,dunno whether still wan to b friends or not.I really feel regretted.
Arghh.... Felt veri frustrated now.Haiii....maybe i should have tolerate wif him. Got to go.Nid to b quiet for awhile to think.Bye. :)

Kira died @ 11:48 PM

Thursday, March 12, 2009

These days was quite boring lor. Seriously dam boring. Stupid Elective Module cause us to sleep. Some more it ends at six.But today I find a excuse to leave early. :) But to think it about,I felt veri bad. x( Leaving ben n rus at there suffer then I go off. What to do? Tml pei they all lor. Nid to go for dinner liao. Cya.

Kira died @ 6:52 PM

The Killer

Derrick Goh a.k.a l0nly boi 3C'08 170893 Not happy? Please click HERE .


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Shi Zhen
Audrey :)

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